spur development

美 [spɜːr dɪˈveləpmənt]英 [spɜː(r) dɪˈveləpmənt]
  • 推动发展
spur developmentspur development
  1. In a speech at Washington 's Museum of African Art , he said he will use the upcoming trip to highlight efforts to fight dangerous diseases and spur development .


  2. The China-Europe cargo service will be improved to spur the development of cross-border e-commerce , according to a three-year action plan released at the Fifth Silk Road International Exposition that opened on May 11 .


  3. The effective resolution of the investment disputes will spur the development of the investment .


  4. Experts predict that the leisure economy will spur the development of the Chinese economy as a whole .


  5. The China-Europe cargo service will be improved to spur the development of cross-border e-commerce .


  6. The collaboration also aims to spur the development of research-validated curricula and assessment instruments .


  7. But people who advocate , on the other hand , argue that it will spur the development of local economy .


  8. The place to really spur the development of green technologies for use on road cars is in endurance motor racing .


  9. In recent years , textile industry has aroused international attention ; textile industry will spur the development of the next exploration for progress .


  10. Medicines that interrupt communication between bacteria could be less likely than traditional antibiotics to spur the development of drug-resistant bacteria .


  11. Mass production and technology advances are making turbines cheaper , and many governments offer tax incentives to spur wind-energy development .


  12. The new policies were likely to increase liquidity in the domestic gold market and spur the development of gold financial products , analysts said .


  13. Third , Congress should extend renewable power tax credits to spur the development of alternative sources of energy like wind and solar .


  14. Interactions between them promote the development and evolution of each other , and also spur the development and evolution of the aesthetic practice and aesthetic culture .


  15. It ′ s significant for the Chinese digital TV operators to learn from them in order to spur the development of overall digital TV market of China .


  16. Evidently , modern fire communication command system for oil field only relying on traditional methods have been far from the requirements to spur the development of enterprise .


  17. Boosted by a government announcement that it would spur rural development , agricultural stocks and relevant chemical fertilizer and agricultural machinery sectors took the lead .


  18. To pick up speed of urbanization of western regions may give full play to the central function and diffusing function of western cities , and spur on development of whole West China .


  19. This paper focuses on how to keep BD growing , at the same time develop a better market planning and embody its social value as well as spur the development of internet marketing industry .


  20. In Chapter 6 , it summarizes some suggestion and comments on the spur line development , and also states the vision of the spur line , and point out the weakness of the paper .


  21. Over the past 10 years , the rapid development of network game not only manifest the infinite fascination of product with network externalities , also offer endless of opportunity to spur the development of pricing in practice .


  22. The author proposes , at the end , four actions to spur the development of big institutes , namely : reform of stock right structure , defining market positioning , improvement of management of man resources and elimination of " Officer Departmentalism " .


  23. With the development of robotics and the expand of its application , rehabilitation robots , as one branch of robots , are coming into our daily life step by step , and spur the development of rehabilitation theory and the advancement of the clinic-rehabilitation technology .


  24. We can modernize our power grid , which will help conservation and spur on the development and distribution of clean energy .


  25. Great importance should be attached to their role in the technological innovation , which may spur the coordinated development of large enterprises and SMEs .


  26. As a developing country with weak industrial base and late development , China requests pillar industries which can spur the economy development , especially in backward area .


  27. Then the coexistence of plural value and even forming of the plural society of value will spur informationalized further development from cultural value structure .


  28. The equalization of public scientific and technological service coordinates the relationship between efficiency and fairness , and sets up social equity which will spur the economic development well .


  29. The results shows that there is a long term equilibrium between freight traffic and GDP . , and transportation can spur on the development of the national economy .


  30. Animal husbandry can spur on the development of planting industry and manufacturing industry , and it can promote the logical circle between the inside structure of agriculture and industry .
